Friday, January 20, 2006

Mal Alito

Walking home yesterday evening in the dusk, my purse began to vibrate, signaling a call from Squirrel. The cars careened by, the NYU kids howled, the trucks clattered; I caught only a few words: "A talk" "NYU Law School" "Wine" "Meet me" "Back". It sounded good to me. It was only at the front desk of the heretofore unvisited ivied Law School, stammering to the guard as he leafed through an older copy of Orange Box Magazine, that I realized I didn't exactly know where I was going. The guard informed me that the only lecture that was open to the public at that time was the one in room 206 - a presentation by People For The American Way about the implications of Judge Samuel Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court. An exclamation point zoomed off my head - great idea, Squirrel! - and I hiked up the stately spiral staircase two steps at a time. Unfortunately, I had arrived after the actual presentation itself, during the Q&A segment with the two panelists, but that was still enough to teach me scary things I didn't know and to further confirm my belief that Sam Alito is Bad. The panelists focused mainly on the abortion issue - like B, I wouldn't have minded hearing more about the threat to religious freedom and privacy - and, aside from bottles of Yellowtail wine, stickers, and pens, the group offered several solid pamphlets on the material covered that I missed. If you'd like to know more, click here for their website - Save the Court - as well as ideas on what we can do to help; namely, calling our senators and even volunteering at the STOP ALITO! Phone Banks (PFAW NY Office, Tony Simone, 212-420-0440 x 13 Hmn...

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