Thursday, April 13, 2006

you, you, you

One day - must have been at least a month ago - while cruising myspace as i was supposed to be doing something important, I noticed that somebody had managed to paste a new kind of internet video - large, slightly grainy - on someone's comment space. "you tube", read the play button. then, I noticed these same kinds of videos cropping up on the profiles of nearly everybody I knew, including my friend Jiggy's website, tgontv. Soon enough, somebody posted one on mine. i was at first under the impression that these videos were merely of TV clips, but now, after checking out clips of movies like Teen Witch and David Hasselhoff music vids, I see that they've got pretty much everything. A leisurely search using my office's cable internet yielded such gems as all things O-Zone, Dragostea din tei video parodies, Duran Duran spots, and 80s cartoons. Musing, I thought I'd try my luck to see just how extensive this YouTube really was. Ladies and gentlemen, the answer: lo and behold, my prince of 70s italian pop himself: Lucio Battisti!!

singing one of my favorite songs. my excitement is non-paralleled. waste not your chance to see and hear it all for yourself instead of just listening to me going on and on about it. there's no rino gaetano on youtube (...yet), but there is my lucio: his voice! his fro! his ascot! acqua azzura, acqua chiara! god, i love the internet.

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